Friday, March 27, 2020
Analysis of teen magazines.
Analysis of teen magazines. The main theme the cover of the widely known magazine, Cosmopolitan, is trying to convey is sex. There are three captions that are bold and stand out with bright yellow writing. Each caption has the word sex in it and that is the main idea this magazine is getting through to these young women or teenagers. Cameron Diaz, a pretty and famous actress is on the cover of the magazine. She is in a sexy pose with a low cut spaghetti strap tank top in order to catch guys' attentions who are passing by the magazine stand and to attract the girls who would do anything to be or be like her.There are 54 different featured columns or stories. Of the 54, 48 of them have to do with beauty, sex, celebrities, and/or fashion. There are a few stories that are meaningful; however 95% of the magazine is all about superficialities.James G. Howes and Welsh actress Catherine Zeta Jo...A few examples of some titles are 101 sex tips, His sexiest time, Fall's Perfect Pants, Beauty news, Tackling touchy subject s in bed, Women who seduce teens, Bedroom blog, and so on. As one can tell by just the titles, this magazine revolves around very superficial ideas and con women into thinking that it is a necessity to be up to date with all the celebrity drama and new fashion styles. The theme that stands out to me the most is how to improve the girl's sex life. I understand now, why girls are so pressured and eager to start having sex at such a young age. It is all around them flashing at them everywhere they go and they will obviously get curious and want to experience the "big hype" for themselves.There are ads every couple of pages and 77 out of the 90 ads...
Monday, March 9, 2020
Virginia Colony in Colonial America
Virginia Colony in Colonial America In 1607, Jamestown became Great Britains first settlement in North America, the first foothold of the Virginia Colony. Its permanency came after three failed attempts by Sir Walter Raleigh beginning in 1586 to attempt to establish a stronghold in the land he called Virginia after his queen, Elizabeth I. And its continued survival was very much in doubt for the first fifteen years. Fast Facts: Virginia Colony Also Known As: Colony and Dominion of VirginiaNamed After: Queen Elizabeth I (the Virgin Queen), named by Walter RaleighFounding Year: 1606Founding Country: EnglandFirst Known European Settlement: Jamestown, 1607Residential Native Communities: Powhatan, MonacansFounders: Walter Raleigh, John SmithImportant People: Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr, Thomas Dale, Thomas Gates, Pocahontas, Samuel Argall, John RolfeFirst Continental Congressmen: Richard Bland, Benjamin Harrison, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Edmund Pendleton, Peyton Randolph, George WashingtonSigners of the Declaration: George Wythe, Richard Herny Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton Early Colonial Life On April 10, 1606, King James I (ruled 1566–1625) issued a charter creating two companies for Virginia, one based in London and one in Plymouth, to settle all of the land between the Passamaquoddy Bay in Maine and the Cape Fear River in North Carolina. Plymouth would get the north half and London the south. The Londoners left on December 20, 1606, in three ships carrying 100 men and four boys, and they landed in what is today the Chesapeake Bay area. A landing party scouted for a suitable area, and the three ships worked their way up what they called (and is still called) the James River, landing at the site of Jamestown on May 13, 1607. The location of Jamestown was chosen because it would be easily defended since it was surrounded by water on three sides; the water was deep enough for the colonists ships, and Native Americans did not inhabit the land. Unfortunately, there were reasons the Native Americans did not inhabit the land; there was no potable water source, and the marshy landscape emitted great clouds of mosquitoes and flies. Disease, heat, and skirmishes with the Native Americans consumed both colonists and their supplies and by the time the first supply ship arrived in September, only 37 of the original 104 colonists were living. The Starving Time Captain John Smith assumed the colonys leadership in September 1608, and his leadership is credited with improving conditions and stockpiling stores. England continued to send supplies and colonists and in late Spring 1609, after the colony had been reorganized into a joint stock venture, London sent nine ships and 500 colonists. The ship bearing the deputy governor Thomas Gates wrecked off the Bermuda coast. The 400 survivors straggled into Jamestown in the late summer, too sick to work but fully capable of consuming the stockpile of stores. Disease and famine set in, and between October 1609 and March 1610, the colony population dropped from 500 to about 60. The winter became known as The Starving Time, and the colony became known as a deathtrap. During the early period of the colony, Jamestown was primarily a military outpost, populated by men, either gentlemen or indentured servants/ The servants who survived were obligated to work for their passage for a period of seven years. By 1614, those indentures began to expire and those who chose to remain became free laborers. Signs of Recovery Leadership of the colony by Thomas Dale and Thomas Gates kept the colony going between 1610 and 1616, and the colony began to grow strong after John Rolfe began his experiments with tobacco, Nicotiana rustica, to make it more palatable to the English taste. When a royal family member of the Powhatan tribe named Pocahontas married John Rolfe in 1614, relations with the Native American community eased. That ended when she died in England in 1617. The first enslaved African Americans were brought to the colony in 1619. Jamestown had a high mortality rate due to disease, colonial mismanagement, and raids from Native Americans. The presence of women and family units encouraged some growth and stability, but factionalism and fiscal insolvency continued to plague Virginia. In 1622, a Powhatan attack on Virginia killed 350 settlers, plunging the colony into warfare that lasted a decade. Charter Changes Jamestown was originally founded from a desire to gain wealth and to a lesser extent to convert the natives to Christianity. Jamestown went through several forms of government in its first decades, and by 1624, they used a representative assembly known as the House of Burgesses, the first institutional instance of representative self-government on the North American continent. Threatened by the House of Burgesses, though, James I revoked the charter of the bankrupt Virginia Company in 1624, but his timely death in 1625 ended his plans for disbanding the assembly. The colonys formal name was the Colony and Dominion of Virginia. Virginia and the American Revolution Virginia was involved in fighting against what they saw as British tyranny from the end of the French and Indian War. The Virginia General Assembly fought against the Sugar Act which had been passed in 1764. They argued that it was taxation without representation. In addition, Patrick Henry was a Virginian who used his powers of rhetoric to argue against the Stamp Act of 1765 and legislation was passed opposing the act. A Committee of Correspondence was created in Virginia by key figures including Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, and Patrick Henry. This was a method by which the different colonies communicated with each other about the growing anger against the British. Virginia residents who were sent to the First Continental Congress in 1774 included Richard Bland, Benjamin Harrison, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Edmund Pendleton, Peyton Randolph, George Washington. Open resistance started in Virginia the day after Lexington and Concord occurred, on April 20, 1775. Other than the Battle of Great Bridge in December 1775, little fighting happened in Virginia though they sent soldiers to help in the war effort. Virginia was one of the earliest to adopt independence, and its hallowed son, Thomas Jefferson, penned the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Significance First permanent English settlement in the New World at Jamestown.It provided a source of fertile land and great wealth to England in the form of the cash crop, tobacco.With the House of Burgesses, America saw the first institutional instance of representative self-government. Sources and Further Reading Barbour, Philip L. (ed.) The Jamestown Voyages under the First Charter, 1606–1609. London: The Hakluyt Society, 2011. Billings, Warren M. (ed.). The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century: A Documentary History of Virginia, 1606–1700, revised edition. Durham: The University of North Carolina Press, 2007. Earle, Carville. Environment, Disease, and Mortality in Early Virginia. Journal of Historical Geography 5.4 (1979): 365–90. Print.Hantman, Jeffrey L. Monacan Millennium: A Collaborative Archaeology and History of a Virginia Indian People. University of Virginia Press, 2018.
Friday, March 6, 2020
17 Best Fine Arts Colleges in the US
17 Best Fine Arts Colleges in the US SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re interested in attending a fine arts college, your college search may be trickier than the average student's. It’s relatively simple to compare standard undergraduate degree programs, but fine arts schoolscan be so different: they have different specialties, different facilities, and different curricula. How do you know which fine arts colleges are the best, and how do you know which ones would be good fits? I’ve taken the first step for you by compiling a list of some of the topfine arts colleges and bachelor's programs in the country. Each one offers something a little different, making this ranking list a bit more unique (and a bit more interesting) than your average college ranking list. Because it’s difficult and perhaps unhelpful to give these schools a definite ranking on this list, I’ve separated them into school type. I’ve also prepared some strategies for figuring which schools best meet your own personal needs. But before all that, I’ll answer a more basic question: what is a fine arts college, exactly? What's a Fine Arts College? Put simply;a fine arts college is a school that educates students in the visual or performing arts. These schools offera couple of different degree options: Bachelor of Fine Arts: If you get a BFA, or Bachelor of Fine Arts, the majority of your undergraduateeducation willconsist of practical studio work instead of more traditional lecture or discussion classes. For example, a typical BFA program might have students in fine arts courses 2/3 of the time and general education courses 1/3 of the time. Bachelor of Art: aBA, or Bachelor of Art, is the most common undergraduate degree - most people with BAs didn't study fine arts. If you choose this type of degree program, it just means that you'll take more general education courses than if you chose a BFA. For example, you might spend 1/3 of the time in fine arts courses and 2/3 of the time on general liberal arts studies. Once you choose your degree type, you'll most likelyhave to choose an arts specialty. This is like a major that helps you hone in and excel within a particular field or area. Many fine arts colleges have a wide variety of specialties to choose from, including acting, musical theater, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, sculpture, and drawing (just to name a few). The standard fine arts schoolonly offers degree programs that focus on, well, fine arts. But you can also getthe BA in fine arts, or even a BFA, at some liberal arts colleges or universities.I'll present the top degree programs at both fine arts colleges and other colleges and universities in the following rankings list. How Are These Schools Ranked? Fine arts colleges are generally either specialized stand-alone institutions orprograms embedded within a larger university. Because fine arts programscan come in various forms, they’re a bit difficult to compare - they’re not necessarily standardized.So,I used a combination of aggregated ranked lists and industry opinions to compile a list of the top fine arts colleges in the country. Because colleges thatspecialize solely in fine artsare pretty different fromlarger, liberal arts universities, I separated the schools into lists based on this distinction. Once I separated them into these two groups, I arranged them in alphabetical order. Although there are a few stellar, stand-out institutions (which I make note of at the beginning of each section), fine arts schools rankings are difficult to standardize because they can offer such different resources to students. Because of this, I encourage you to look for schools that best fit your own artistic goals and preferences when considering these lists. As for the actual factors deciding whether I included a school on this list? I considered things like quality of facilities, program faculty, alumni network, industry opinion, aggregated ranking lists, and program offerings. If you're interested in any of the schools listed below and want to get admissions stats, just click the school name. Let's get to the rankings! Fine ArtsSchools I imagine you'll be moving way beyond primary colors at any of these schools. The following schools are primarily dedicated to art and design education. The real standouts here - the schools that tend to be ranked at the top of lists year after year - are the Rhode Island School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Savannah College of Art and Design.You may notice when you review the list that these schools tend to be relatively larger than some others, with a wider variety of program offerings. California College of the Arts This school is primarily dedicated to educating students in the arts. It offers 21 undergraduate programs in fine arts, including an "individualized major" option for students who may have extremely niche interests. California College of the Arts alsoretains strong faculty members and supplements the offerings of core educators with a rotation of visiting artists, designers, and writers. Finally, the student-faculty ratio is an impressively low 8:1. Degrees offered: BA, BFA Read more about CCA's undergraduate offerings Maryland Institute College of Art Maryland Institute College of Art offers 16 different art majors, including several interdisciplinary options like "interactive arts" and "interdisciplinary sculpture." In addition to these options, students also get to choose from a wide range of studio concentrations. The school's faculty includes 219 professional artists, designers, art historians, poets, and writers. The student-faculty ratio stands at a low 10:1. This school is particularly strong in graphic design, painting, and drawing, so it may be a good option for students who wish to pursue any of those artistic concentrations. Degree offered: BFA Read more about MICA's undergraduate offerings Pratt Institute At the Pratt Institute, students can choose from degrees in Art Design Education, Digital Arts, Film, Fine Arts, and Photography. The school also offers several associate's degrees in fine arts if you're not sure whether you want to commit to a bachelor's program. Overall, this institution is ranked consistently well for their fine arts, design, and studioprograms. Degree offered: BFA Read more about fine arts at the Pratt Institute Rhode Island School of Design The Rhode Island School of Design, or RISD, is one of the most well-known and well-celebrated fine arts schools in the country. It offers16 undergraduate majors and state-of-the-art facilities and tools. RISD prides itself on providing students with opportunities towork collaboratively with faculty mentors. And the faculty it retains are impressive - many are renowned artists like Chris Van Allsburg, a famous children's book illustrator. One of RISD's most impressive appeals, though, is its location: Providence is one of the most artisticallycultured cities in the country. Degree offered: BFA Read more about RISD's programs RISD also comes with free natural inspiration. Savannah College of Art and Design SCAD is one of the most prestigious art and design institutions in the countryandhas an impressive variety of fine arts specializations for undergraduates. Students can get a degree inalmost anything you can think of, including animation, visual effects, fibers, and furniture design. The school also has an impressive faculty and alumni network, a big plus when it comes time for applying to grad school or jobs. Degree offered:Depends on your specialization Read more about SCAD's fine arts programs School of the Art Institute of Chicago The School of the Art Institute of Chicago is one of the largest art schools in the US. Because of its size, it can offer some more unique specializations, including things like art therapy, time arts, and visual communication. Ithas over 550 faculty members, which might make it easier to find a professor or mentor who shares your interests and passions. Finally, this school is affiliated with one of the best art museums in the country. Degrees offered: BA, BFA Read more about SAIC's program offerings The New School The New School is primarily dedicated to the arts; it offers many flexible degree programs to artistically-inclined students. ItsBFA program in fine arts is offered through the Parsons School for Design in NYC. Degree offered: BFA Read more about The New School's fine arts program Fine Arts Programs at Other Colleges Universities What could be more fun than a studio course? Some strong fine arts programs aren't offered at art-specific institutions, but instead through art departments at colleges or universities. The real standout on this list isYale,which offers one of the best art programs in the country as well as a top-notch general education. These options arelikely better for students who are seeking more of a balance between a fine arts education and a general or liberal arts education. Columbia University Columbia offers a prestigious fine arts program that's located in the heart of the art world: New York City. The program boasts a long list of notable alumni and faculty members, which means it's easier for students to make and develop professional and personal connections in the field. Students who attend Columbia's School of the Arts can concentrate in Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Printmaking, or Video. Degree offered: BA Read more about Columbia's fine arts program Cornell University Cornell offers a BFA program at its School of Art, Architecture, and Planning. The program emphasizes artistic training, contextual preparedness, critical thinking and expression, practical understanding of the contemporary art world, and sustainable practice. Because of the program's broad aims, you may get more of a liberal arts spin with this BFA. Degree offered: BFA Read more about Cornell's fine arts program CUNY Hunter College Hunter College offers a program that’s geared towards students who want to work professionally as an artist, particularly if they want to go on to grad school. This is a â€Å"fifth-year†program that gives students aprolonged, intense focus on studio practice, contemporary art, and theoretical issues - this extra year might help give you an extra boost in the professional world. Degree offered: BFA Read more about Hunter's fine arts program. Princeton University Princeton's Program in Visual Arts combines a liberal arts education with a fine arts education. Students can take courses in a range of subjects, includingpainting, drawing, graphic design, media, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, and film history criticism. Degree offered: BA Read more about Princeton's fine arts program Alfred University Alfred’s College of Ceramics provides an education that combines visual fine arts, design, and the science of ceramics, glass, and materials. It's more specialized than many of the other fine arts schools on this list, but an awesome choice if you’re interested in working with any of the above materials. Degrees offered: BFA, BS (in art history) Read more about Alfred's fine arts program Alfred: A great place for potters Tufts University A joint School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts BFA program means you get the benefits of a top liberal arts education in combination with studio art training. Students are fully enrolled at both schools, with access to resources offered by both institutions. This program is a good option for students who prioritize flexibility: the studio curriculum is entirely elective, so you can pick and choose the courses that most interest you. Degree offered: BFA Read more about the SMFA/Tufts program UCLA UCLA, one of the best public schools in the US, is also home to one of the country's best art departments. Students encouraged to explore different mediums to discover the best way to express themselves, making this program pretty flexible. Courses are offered inpainting and drawing, photography, sculpture, ceramics, art theory, and new genres. Degree offered: BA Read more about UCLA's fine arts program. University of Pennsylvania UPenn offers an undergraduate fine arts program through its school of design. Its fine arts educationblendsstudio practice, seminar courses, and interactions with visiting artists and professionals. Degree offered: BA Read more about UPenn's fine arts program Williams College The art department at Williams is one of the largest at the prestigious liberal arts college, and the department itself shares space with the Williams Museum of Art. The school itself is pretty small, so the majors offered are broad and limited in number - they include art history, studio art, and art history practice. Degree offered: BA Read more about the fine arts program at Williams Yale University Last but not least, the School of Art at Yale offers a variety of art and media courses. It's also one of the top-ranked MFA programs in the country,which points to the strength of the school. The faculty ishighly lauded - most of them have been published and/or awarded for their work. Finally, the facilities themselves are sure to impress, as students have access to art galleries, a silk screening print shop, photo labs, several theaters, and a digital media center. Degree offered: BA Read more about the fine arts program at Yale How to Choose the Right Fine Arts Program These tips will help you think about which schools might be best for you. In order to be successful in a fine arts program, you should strive to make sure that the school closely matches your needs. Fine arts programs are often pretty small - you’ll be doing a lot of studio work, and will be collaborating closely with peers and faculty. Because of the collaborative nature of the work you'll be doing, it's important that you feel comfortable with the program, students, and faculty. Before you settle on target schools, here are some factors to consider when thinking about what schools may be right for you. Program Specialties and Curriculum If you work pretty exclusively with a specific medium, you’ll want to attend a school that has extensive resources available so that you can work with that medium. For example, if you work with ceramics you might not want to focus your attention on Columbia University because Alfred might be a better fit. Alternatively, if you’re open to exploring different artistic mediums, you might seek out a more flexible program - like the one Williams College offers, for example. Faculty You'll want to find a school with qualified faculty who can serve as knowledgeable mentors. Look into whether schools retain faculty members whose work you’re interested in. You might also consider whether a school brings in fresh and exciting faces via visiting artist programs. Finally, check out the student to faculty ratio: is it low enough that you’re confident you’d get individual attention? Location A big part of a degree in fine arts will often be working in the art world via internships. Is the school located somewhere that will facilitate these internships, or have programs that will help you get internships in art and cultural centers? Notable Alumni If you’re impressed with aschool’s alumni network and number of successful grads, that’s a good sign. This indicates that it'll be easier for you to make and utilize professional connections through the school. What's Next? If you're artistically inclined but aren't dead-set on a fine arts program, you should check out our list of the top 10 art schools in the US - these might offer a bit of a broader scope than the schools listed above. If you want to end up on the west coast, you'd probably be interested in our list of the top art schools in California. To prepare the best fine arts application possible, you definitely need to read about how to prepare a stellar art portfolio. Finally, you'll want to be able to pay for all of this, right? Check out the top art scholarships in the US. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
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